Learn How to E-Transfer

When you place an order, we will send you specific instructions to make payment to us. The general process is:

  1. Log in to your banks online website or mobile banking app and navigate to the Send Money or Interac e-Transfer tab.
  2. Select the account you would like funds to be sent from.
  3. Add a contact and fill out the name and e-mail address of the person you wish to send money to.
  4. Type in the specified amount you are sending and include the order number if the note or message field.
  5. Submit the payment.

What banks offer Interac E-Transfer?

You can see the full list on Interacs website

We have picked out some of the popular banks and instructional pages for your convenience:

Bank of Montreal



TD Canada Trust 


Payment Instructions for Smartbudz

When you place an order, look out for our payment instructions – we’ll show them after checkout and drop them in your email for a quick reminder. Just follow the steps, and once we receive your Interac E-Transfer, we’ll shoot you a confirmation email and send your goodies on their merry way!